● In 2015, a leading pharma company BUHY Pharma(name changed) had a launch in the category of metformin. This category was highly cluttered with many brands and had a big challenge to get the mind and shelf space of the chemist. The medical team was working on the USP of the brand and as company policy didn’t have any offer for the chemist.
● The team was confident to get the initial Rx from their KOL doctors but had a tough challenge to solve the availability part. They knew if the Rx gets dishonored by the chemist, their entire brand launch will go for a toss.
● Availability was the key challenge in front of them. They identified the key outlets with the help of their field force and wanted to ensure the product is now available with them. They knew, chemist will show resistance to risk his money as he was not sure of the Rx being generated by the Doctor.
● Such situation arises every day to a pharma marketer. They opted for 3 remarkable ideas being inspired by the Automobile & F.M.C.G. Industry to solve the availability puzzle which created a huge impact
●Conclusion : End of 2 months from the launch the company achieved to place the brand to 12856 outlets and Drs were confident to recommend the brand.
Some of the other ways in which you can ensure availability
1. Excite the chemist with cash-back offers for their first placement.
2. Make mass awareness of the new launch using SMS Marketing to Chemist
3. Pin code wise availability tracker to Dr's
4. Place free samples at the chemist to ensure the first Rx gets honored
5. Organize a contest at regional/national level to make the product available
6. Incentivize MR's to ensure availability
7. Gamify the order booking drive
8. Give confidence to chemist of the Rx generated across Dr's for their brands
9. Make their stockist send items to their key retailers by default
10. Incentivize stockist sales man to take orders for the new product
Rx Tracking
POB Drive
Chemist Payouts
Web and Mobile Development
SMS, WhatsApp
\Campaign, IVR